10 Replies to “Episode 245: What Was I Talking about Again?”

  1. Omg. It has been 10 years. I have loved being in your life. If I lived near you we would be great quilt friends.
    I have kept sane meeting my quilt friends in a local park. We bring lawn chairs and lunch. We sit at least 6 feet apart and chat to our hearts content. Once a week we get out.
    I also leave masks out for family and friends on our porch.

  2. Hi Frances, so happy to see your latest podcast show up in my podcast app! I’m glad to hear you and your family are okay.
    Hurrah to your 10 year podcast anniversary!!
    You’d briefly mentioned binding in the quilt diaries. I’m currently putting the binding on my 5th quilt and have to say, it’s one of my favorite parts. I love hand-stitching it to the front side. The stitching is somewhat meditative for me and since it’s the final task in the quiltmaking process, it seems to be a nice hands-on way to spend some time saying goodbye to the quilt. It’s one of those simple pleasures in life 🙂
    Wishing continued health to you!

    1. Of course, I meant hand-stitching the binding to the back side, LOL. A little proofreading is in order 🙂

  3. Good to hear from you, Frances!! Your hair color comments made me laugh! I also have a husband that has kept his youthful looks-so annoying! I’ve been back to work since May 18. Numbers have spiked lately in our rural area but we haven’t had it yet. Congrats on the 10th anniversary. I’ve been listening to your older posts. It’s comforting to remember easier times. Take care

  4. Congratulations on your 10th anniversary of podcasting, and Happy Birthday! Thank you for podcasting! I love getting your life report from North Carolina – my best real life news sources are the grass roots podcasters! I have not been quilting much, though I did make some masks early on. I keep thinking I need to make more, better ones, but haven’t gotten to it yet. Knitting seems to be my life line in these times, partly because I have been meeting with my knitting group virtually, and the occasional real life backyard 6 feet apart with masks knitting circle. I look forward to the next update on Travis, your tomatoes, distance learning for your kids, sourdough, any of those things, whether to not there is any quilting! I hope the bagels were delicious.

  5. This episode had me laughing, Frances. The musical instrument sounded like a hammered dulcimer. I agree, you can reach your listening limit quickly with hammered dulcimers. My next door neighbor has recently rented out his acreage to a grower who has installed a gigantic hoop house just on the other side of my fence, very close to my house. We now “get” to listen to mariachi music, which they only play in one volume, LOUD. I suggested to my husband that we should dust off our speakers and start playing music too. I’m going to take a listen to your rapper recommendation . . .

  6. “Jenny ‘Awful’ would be a great punk rock name!”
    “It’s so peaceful outside – except for Helen.”

    Oh, my goodness!! You make me laugh so much!! Glad you’re back! 😂😂😂XOXOXO 😘😘😘

  7. I hope you don’t pod-fade! Just chalk it up to this crazy year and don’t stress about the amount of time between episodes. I refuse to call this the “new normal”. It’s just a phase and things will go back to much closer to normal eventually….I hope!

  8. So good to hear your voice again! And when we’re not in a pandemic, we should get together and quilt. I can so relate to the piano key border and the strip piecing! 😂 If there’s a hard way to do something, I’ll find it! 🤣. Maybe the two of us together could figure things out! Looking forward to more of the podcasts!

    P.S. You may have noticed that I’m also late listening…🤫 And…I still haven’t tried the magnetic lashes, but I will at some point. 😂 And…congrats on 10 years! 👏🏻

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